About This Blog

This blog is inspired by the "shit people say" internet meme of 2012, including "Shit My Dad Says" and "Shit New Yorkers Say." I am late to the game, I realize. This blog is meant to be more light hearted than mean (I hope you agree).

I've read a lot in the past year about "Lean Sigma" (or what some call "Lean Six Sigma") in an attempt to broaden my horizons. My process improvement background started with education about Dr. W. Edwards Deming and this led to a career that has been focused, since 1995, Lean (with some Six Sigma Green Belt training). There's often something that's a bit off in the "Lean Sigma" material I've been reading... something that's said wrong about Lean... yet said in a authoritative, definitive tone (which is annoying when the author of the book or website is just flat wrong with their facts).

More coming soon... including an explanation of how I think Lean and Six Sigma can work together... as long as we're not incorrectly labeling or describing the "Lean" aspect of a combined approach.

A cat and poodle can exist together in the same home. But that doesn't mean you have a "catoodle." You have a cat and a poodle. Lean and Six Sigma can work together... but that doesn't make it "Lean Sigma."

Cat and Poodle - Not a Catoodle

I'm not "anti-Six Sigma." I'm a big fan of the statistical methodologies. Being opposed to statistical methods is like being opposed to gravity. That would be silly.

I think an organization should give deep Six Sigma training to a handful of employees so they can solve the problems that call for the rigor of Six Sigma. I'd give everybody else (everybody) training in Lean methods and I'd work toward instilling a "Lean culture" in the organization. Some people can still do Six Sigma projects as needed.

I'm not a fan of so-called "Lean Sigma" and this blog will document why.

I don't blame individual "Lean Sigma Belts" for practicing or repeating what they have been taught.

I won't name names of authors, books, or websites. My aim isn't to attack individuals. They think what they are saying is true... it's just not. My aim is to correct the record about Lean when incorrect things are being spread... keeping to the facts and the truth.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion but no one is entitled to his own facts."
     Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

- Mark Graban

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